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Mobilizing a Community of Practice for COVID-19 Social Support, Detection and Disease Management among Im/migrant and Refugee Populations in Lincoln, Nebraska

Research Team

Name Name

Principal Investigator: Julie Tippens

Co-Principal Investigators: Angela Palmer-Wackerly, Elizabeth Mollard, Sheila Dorsey Vinton, Virginia Chaidez

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Office of Research and Innovation—COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Program

Award Date: Jul 21, 2020

End Date: Jul 20, 2021


Refugees and immigrants are structurally vulnerable to poor physical, mental and social health outcomes related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches have shown promise preventing disease and promoting health among migration-affected populations, there is limited knowledge about using CBPR for emergency planning and preparedness, particularly related to pandemics.

Researchers aim to mobilize a COVID-19 community of practice (C-COP) to identify community health workers and strengthen the science of community engagement to address health disparities by documenting the process of developing and implementing a C-COP for collaboration among refugee communities, health and social service providers, and university researchers.

Investigators will organize an initial workshop with members of the Lincoln New Americans Task Force to identify additional COVID-19 stakeholders and priorities for action. Then a series of interviews and focus groups with community health workers and health and human service providers will be conducted.

Findings will be shared in real-time, and through a final stakeholder dissemination meeting. This study has strong potential for immediate local impact to benefit local immigrant/refugee groups, as well as for broader practical and academic dissemination.

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-being